Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Japan Trip day one 15november 2010 (日本之旅:第一天)



香港转机 - Cathay Pacific

阔别了两年半,终于和在日本生活的老友志鹏见面了。这间日本拉面店就在志鹏横滨家不远的街边,距离根岸车站 (Negeshi station) 不到五分钟 - 点名叫“千家”卖着很不错的叉烧拉面。(第一次吃到这么好吃的拉面真的有点受宠若惊。不过价钱却不怎么便宜。一碗叫价九百日元,相等于RM35. 不过那猪骨汤底 “一流”还有那半熟玉子 (蛋)也是一绝。

insight view of the Ramen restaurant in 千家。

The real look of the ”叉烧拉面“ looks abit oilly but the soup is real thick and appetizing. thanks for a treat from our good fren "Alvin Lim".

横滨 - 根岸 - 市景


第一天的早餐 - 日式面包。同样是“贵”!!一粒面包相等于RM5-10.只有在当地工作的人才消费得起。

travelling in the train from Yokohama "横滨“to Tokyo.

去到了很有名的海鲜批发市场 “筑地市场”tsukijishijo. 不过很多商店都关门了。 哈哈!

queing up at a japanese restaurant in the Tsukijishijo market... waiting for some sumptous meal for lunch..


娴 order 的午餐。。 看了就流口水。。

outside a restaurant on our way to ”雷门“。。 from Akihabara “秋叶原" Train station.

outside the same restaurant



Monday, December 13, 2010

Our Register of Marriage at the Fullerton Hotel of Singapore, on 13 November 2010

Our Register of Marriage was done in the suite of Fullerton Hotel with good memories, thanks to both our family members who had made their long way to travel from our Home town Kahang to Singapore (which took them at least 4 hours of driving).

Thanks to 萍姐 and my bro & 大嫂, for driving such a long way. Thanks to ah 湘 for being the road guide.

Special thanks to the excellent service provided by the crew members of Fullerton hotel. They had given us the best suite with sea view and with all the table & chairs setup without additional charges. The complimentary wines, snacks, and the strawberry coated with dark chocolate was yummy and made our stay an unforgetable one. We have planned to come back here next year for our anniversary.

The ROM marked a new chapter in our life. We are now prepared to share our life together and forever.